Logo and Branding for Jessica Rose Counselling Therapy

Logo and Business Card for Jessica Rose Counselling Therapy

The Story

I was designing a new website for Jessica Rose Counselling Therapy, (who also happens to be my partner: Top Secret) and we were at the mid-fidelity wireframes stage, where everything was just gray shapes and placeholders. We desperately needed some color and life and some actual content.

Tablet mid-fidelity wireframes for the design of jessicarosetherapy.ca
Mid-fidelity wireframes from the design of JessicaRoseTherapy.ca

It started with the colors, which were Jessica's favorite: fuchsia and teal. Then I put two and two together and searched for roses in those colors, and I found this wonderful thing: the Rainbow Rose.

Color palette and inspiration for Jessica Rose Counselling Therapy
Color palette and inspiration

Logo and Branding

For the logo, Jessica wanted a lotus, because she had started her career in Vietnam, and she loved the symbolism: out of even the dirtiest of waters, a beautiful flower may grow. To develop the style, I went back to the user research I had conducted at the beginning of the project, where I asked twenty-one people to list their top priorities when choosing a Counselling Therapist. The number one answer, ahead of work experience and education, was personality. I also asked them what kind of personality they wanted, and they wanted someone friendly.

So we wanted a lotus that looked friendly, and I felt that a minimalist style would work well here, because many lotus designs overdo the number of leaves and petals, meaning they don't scale down properly — often looking like a tangled mess when forced to act as small logos. To counter this, I used thicks outlines and kept the shapes simple — except to add in that rose in the middle, because I just couldn't resist.

Branding image for Jessica Rose Therapy Case Study on MattPike.Design, the portfolio website for Visual Designer Matt Pike.
Logo and Typography (Cuprum and Nunito Sans)

Business Cards

Jessica also wanted me to design some business cards for her, so I flipped the gradient from the petals and turned down the opacity. Then, I added a mandala, which was the name of the first mental health clinic she worked at in Vietnam: Mandala Wellness. For the information side, I used colors and visual hierarchy to zig-zag your attention through the relevant information. Here's what we came up with:

Business cards designed for Jessica Rose Counselling Therapy by Matt Pike Design
Business Cards for Jessica Rose Counselling Therapy

If you'd like to see how we used this logo to build her a Webflow website that has allowed her business to flourish, here's the Case Study. Thank you.

Link to Case Study for Jessica Rose Counselling Therapy Web Design Project by Matt Pike Design
Visit the website: jessicarosetherapy.ca