Band Logo: The Mutts

Hero image for The Mutts band logo design case study.

The Story

I woke up to a message from Justin Dunn, lead singer for The Mutts, asking if I could make them a new logo — something like this:

Client idea for a band logo for The Mutts, based out of Nova Scotia, Canada
Created at 3am with MS Paint, obviously (Copyright © Justin Dunn)

The Process

I googled "Dogs wearing sunglasses" and we had a vote. The winner was an English Mastiff, which, as was later pointed out to us, isn't exactly a mutt, but I'll fix that later. In the meantime, here's the design process behind this purebred lady.

Design evolution for the illustration of the band logo for The Mutts
Snapshots of the design process, along with the finished logo

The Results

Once we had the finished logo, I made a storage shed in Google Drive, full of different resolutions and file types, so the band could use them for stickers, banners, and even a wall of TVs at Pacifico. Check back for version two, which will feature more grays and less hair, coming soon.

Rock on, fellas — rock on.

Band practice for the Mutts, with the logo designed by MattPike.Design on the banner and drum kit.
The Mutts in their practice space, deep in the woods of Nova Scotia, Oh Canada
Banner made for The Mutts using the logo designed by Matt Pike.
Banner printed for The Mutts
The Mutts playing at Pacifico in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Rocking The Hip at Pacifico in Halifax